Delivery Information
Items will be posted via 2nd Class Royal Mail and charged at a flat rate of £3.
If you require an item to be delivered more quickly or would prefer a ‘signed for delivery’ please contact us and we will be happy to arrange and alternative delivery method.
We offer FREE hand delivery to Bristol postcodes BS2*BS6*BS7*BS9* Please leave a note when purchasing to let us know where the parcel can be left in the event of you not being home.
International delivery is available, please contact us to find out individual prices for delivery.
Returns Policy
If you change your mind after you have purchased an item you have 12 hours to cancel your order, a full refund will be issued.
Every effort has gone into photographing the products available on this website. Photographs have been taken in all lights on different backgrounds to give the best possible likeness to the product. There will be some variation in products due to each item being individually hand made.
However if you are unhappy when you receive your purchase then we will be happy to refund or exchange the item. Sorry but postage is non-refundable.
You have 14 days, from receiving your item to contact The Glass Cabin, if you wish to return or exchange an item.
Items are very well packaged but in the event of an item arriving damaged then a full refund, including postage, will be issued. Please contact us as soon as the parcel arrives and send photos of the broken item, how you found it in the packaging.
Please contact Rachael at The Glass Cabin